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Photo of Bob Walker

Photo of Mount Washington

The Bob Walker Memorial Hike was Sunday, 21 June 1998.

The group included: Bob's wife Phyllis Walker, Dick and Pat Thompson, Art and Mary Slomine, Ken and Jeanne Keiser, Ken Keiser Senior, Phyllis' sister, Phyllis' niece and her son VJ, Ed Hagman and his future wife and her son, Tom and Joan Blocker, Robert and Susan Roop and son Jeremy, and Bob's nurse in the hospital.

The hikers started at the Pinkham Notch Visitor's Center at about 9:30AM and hiked to the alpine garden trail and then on to the cairn at the Huntington Ravine Trail intersection. See the Trail Map at the bottom of this page.
 For those of you who don't know, Bob died on 21 January 1998
 from cancer at the age of 60.  Bob was an avid hiker of the 
 White mountains and he loved visiting the AMC Hut system.  I met Bob
 while working at Fischer & Porter Company in Warminster, PA.  He
 Invited me to a Hike in the White Mountains in 1986 with an informal group from
 Fischer & Porter.  This Web Page is a record of our Last hike with Bob.
See photos of the past...

This page last updated, Tuesday, 4 May 1999.

This page has been visited times.


AMC home page.
More Information About the Alpine Garden Trail.
Country Inn at Bartlett home page.
Fischer & Porter Alumni page

The trails that we used are shown in red.
Basically, we took the Tuckerman Ravine Trail up to the Lion Head Trail.
Then we took the Alpine Garden trail to the Huntington Ravine Cairn.
Trail Map

If you would like to go and visit, here are the directions. (We stayed at the Country Inn at Bartlett.)

Here is a map of Bartlett New Hampshire showing the Inn just west of town.

Map of the Greater Bartlett Metroplex
Photo of Phyllis at the edge

Bob's wife, Phyllis looking over the edge of Huntington Ravine

Please add your memories of bob here and I will post them to this site.

Please tell me your own Memories about Bob Walker...


Ken Keiser: I remember Bob at the San Francisco Earthquake WEF show in October 1989 along with others in our group ... we camped out in the lobby of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel while the city was still in a blackout. The next day we had to eat somewhere and we decided to eat in China Town. The only way there was through a tunnel and even though there were still aftershocks, Bob led the way through the tunnel saying "If it's your time to go, then it's your time to go." We all followed him into the tunnel.

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This page brought to you by Ken Keiser, a friend of Bob & Phyllis Walker.